You have requested the MyOrthotype test.
As part of the test, we process your genetic data securely. Only designated NHS professionals, carefully selected third party providers and ExplantLab staff have access to your identifiable genetic results. We store these results on a secure database, as they provide information for your future clinical care. For details on the test and how we handle your data, please read MyOrthotype Test Information, our privacy policy and our terms and conditions.
Please click here to read our terms of service before making your purchase
Please click here to read our privacy policy
To go ahead with your purchase of MyOrthotype, you must confirm that you have read and understood this information and tick the statement below.
We want to ensure that MyOrthotype functions as well as possible. To do this, we would like your permission to gain access to your record held in the National Joint Registry database in order to monitor the results of your operation. This will allow us to ensure MyOrthotype performs to our expectations and that we are able to continuously improve it. Please read one of the statements below to give us your permission to access your National Joint Registry (NJR) records. In doing so you agree to our retention of your NJR access number for your lifetime for implant monitoring.
Tick the box below if you would like to help us monitor the performance of MyOrthotype. Leave the box blank if you would not.
ExplantLab is an independent medical research company led by medically qualified, GMC registered staff. We work with the NHS in the UK and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the United States to carry out research to improve the lives of patients who receive joint replacements. This research includes looking at genetic links between the success of joint replacement and other factors such as diet.
Would you be interested in helping with this research? If you give us permission, this will allow us to contact you in the future. In doing so you agree to our retention of your sample and contact details for five years for research purposes.
Please rest assured that any future contact would be infrequent, strictly controlled and only within the context of research.
Tick the box below if you would like to contribute to our NHS research. Leave the box blank if you would not.